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For this final volume of the Hermanus Stories trilogy, I have gone to a great deal of trouble to include all the stories within my reach that are important to posterity. Searching high and low, I've covered more than 80, but the most difficult one to get hold of, was of a man who evaded me time and again" because he did not like blowing his own trumpet". Such a man is Jim Wepener, best known for his erstwhile Kenjockity Guest House and the Whale Crier. But his fame stretched a whole lot further than the guest house and I wanted to include his story in "Hermanus Stories III". After much prompting and e-mailing, I finally succeeded, and here is his story.
This story was given to me in 2001 by Wendy Hofmeyere of Voelklip – her brother Peter Hartford worked with Edith Hardwick for whom the story was written by her uncle.
In a newspaper article which appeared recently (1979), describing Hermanus of sixty years ago, reference was made to the efforts made by the Town Council to keep the harbor area clean. This anecdote has a bearing on the matter.
The history of Hermanus includes at least thirteen hotels of which most no longer exist. In this story we’ll look at some of them.
In the year 1815 a lone Dutch teacher, aged 37 arrived in Table Bay and travelled with the first eastward-bound ox-wagon to Caledon. The name of this gentleman was destined to be honoured in his new country for many years to come.
Hemingway’s Bookshop in Harbour Road occupies a unique position in the literary world of books. The owners, Noel and Beth Hunt are both book lovers and have always had a dream to own a bookshop.