Butterfly Flower Butterfly Papilionaceum Butterfly Papilionaceum

Pelargonium Papilionaceum is part of the Geraniaceae Family (The Geranium Family), which is known for its varying and colourful buds.

The Pelargonium Papilionaceum is also known as the Butterfly Pelargonium Rambossie, which is an erect, soft and unpleasantly scented shrub that grows to around 2 meters in height. It has a woody main trunk, shaped on upper part and around 10 cm across. The long-stalked flowers, grouped in clusters of 5 – 12 are around 3cm across. It grows in partly shady kloofs and at the edges of forests from Stellenbosch to the Klein River Mountains from around August until January.

These plants are also very popular in gardens, and can be found in Fernkloof and the Fernkloof Gardens in great numbers.

Bean, A & Johns, A (2005). Stellenbosch to Hermanus: South African Wild Flower Guide 5. Cape Town: Botanical Society of South Africa. 210 - 211